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Understanding The Factors Considered In Child Support Modification Cases

Understanding the Factors Considered in Child Support Modification Cases

Child support is a legal obligation that parents have to provide financial support to their children. It is crucial to ensure that children receive the appropriate financial support they need. However, child support arrangements might need modification due to changes in circumstances. When parents cannot agree on a modification, the court will have to decide. In this blog post, we will discuss the factors considered in child support modification cases.

Income Changes

Changes in income of either parent, including job loss, promotions, and salary increments, can affect the child support amount. If a parent loses income, they can request a modification to reduce the amount, and if there is an increase, the other parent can request an upward modification. The court considers the parent’s income, earning capacity, and other relevant factors when deciding on the modification.

Custody Arrangements

A change in the custody arrangement can affect the child support amount. If the parent with primary custody gives up custody, the other parent should pay more in child support. Suppose the parent with primary custody gets more time with the child; in that case, the other parent may pay less in child support. The court generally considers the amount of time each parent spends with the child when determining a modification.

Medical Necessities

If the child has medical needs, expenses can be covered in the child support order. A modification can also be requested if the child develops a medical condition that increases the cost of healthcare. The court will consider medical expenses, including insurance premiums and out-of-pocket expenses, to ensure they are reasonable and necessary. The court may modify the child support order to cover these expenses.

Extraordinary Expenses

Parents may have extraordinary expenses necessary for the child that are not covered in the child support order. These might include expenses related to special education or extracurricular activities. Parents can request a modification to cover these expenses, but the court considers whether they are reasonable and necessary or if they exceed the parent’s ability to pay.

Child support modification cases can arise due to changes in circumstances following a divorce or separation. The above factors, including income changes, custody arrangements, medical necessities, and extraordinary expenses, are critical in deciding whether a modification is necessary and the appropriate amount for the modification. It is essential to seek legal advice from an attorney experienced in family law to navigate the complexities of child support modification cases and ensure that your child receives the necessary financial support.

Clinton Township Child Support Lawyer

For comprehensive guidance on child support modification cases, trust the expertise of Mihelich & Kavanaugh, PLC, your dedicated Clinton Township Child Support Lawyer. In their insightful blog post, they delve into the crucial factors influencing child support adjustments, such as income changes, custody arrangements, medical necessities, and extraordinary expenses.

Whether you’re navigating a reduction due to income loss or seeking an increase for additional medical needs, Mihelich & Kavanaugh understands the intricate legal considerations involved. They emphasize the importance of seeking legal advice from experienced family law attorneys to navigate the complexities of child support modification cases.

If you’re facing changes in circumstances following a divorce or separation, contact Mihelich & Kavanaugh at (586) 496-7525 for expert legal counsel tailored to your unique situation. Ensure your child receives the necessary financial support with the help of seasoned professionals who prioritize the well-being of your family.

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